
How do I know if defects identified in a private inspection are rectified?

Re-inspection of rectification works is essential for a better build

There is only one way to be certain that any issues found during an independent inspection have been rectified (and rectified properly), and that is to have a re-inspection completed by your independent Building Consultant.

Sometimes your Site Supervisor may be able to send through photos however depending on what the item is, how prevalent it is and its’ significance, it can be difficult to tell with photos. For example, if the same item is prevalent in every room, they may send through a few photos rather than itemising each specific item. We have previously experienced photos taken with clever camera angles to show items that have been ‘fixed’ when in fact they haven’t, not to mention being sent photos of rectifications from a completely different project! It is for these reasons that photos aren’t always a reliable option.

It is understandable that clients can often feel stressed and worried when they see a report with numerous items with their new home. We usually advise clients not to worry until after a re-inspection has been completed. Give the builder a chance to rectify the items and if they don’t, we can then provide guidance on the best way to escalate the situation.

Some builders say they don’t allow re-inspections on their builds or try to block access to site to private inspectors – this is clearly a red flag. We’ve written a blog post for clients whose builders try to limit access to site.

Manse Group has always focused on processes and making the building journey better. Our reporting templates and inspection processes that include marked-up plans of items and annotated photos make it easy for builders/trades to locate items that require rectification. View our sample inspection reports. These, along with specific references as to why items are defective reduces any potential wiggle room for no action. It also ensures we know exactly where in the home we need to re-inspect the work if required. Our re-inspection reports can be sent to your Builder and/or Site Supervisor promptly, for their actioning.

Re-inspections are equally as important for all stages, however at the final inspection stage, it is critical that it happens before handover takes place. Once you’ve received the keys, it can be very difficult to get the builder back to rectify any issues.

We can complete a re-inspection of rectification works for clients on request at any stage of the build. Ultimately re-inspections hold builders accountable because they cannot suppress any items that may be still outstanding. Once items are concealed it becomes difficult to prove otherwise. We find that heading back to site specifically to re-inspect is the most effective way to ensure issues are rectified.

Manse Group typically complete re-inspections at frame, pre-plaster, waterproof/fix and final stages (it’s not usually possible at the pre-pour stage due to time restraints and generally not required as items get closed out during the inspection). Re-inspections are very valuable at holding stakeholders accountable whilst reassuring our clients during their build journey.

At the end of the day, you have invested in an inspection to identify the issues which is great; now the most important thing is that the issues are closed out. Our clients have peace of mind with our thorough new home inspections and re-inspections, providing a holistic approach to quality assurance. We strive for a better build.

If you’d like some support throughout your building journey, get in touch today.

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